
Why Accountability Fails

Monday Morning insight posted an article today entitled Drastic Measures to Avoid Moral Failure. It links to posts from Perry Noble, Craig Groeschel and Shaun King which highlight reasons pastors have moral failures and/or safeguards they’ve put into place to avoid having one themselves.

The idea of accountability has been a main thread in my brain for a few weeks now.  The question I’ve been asking myself is what makes accountability truly effective?

I’ve been in a fair number of accountability relationships ranging from highly ineffective to moderately effective.

But none I would call highly effective.

A lot of accountability relationships involve trustworthy people regularly asking the tough questions. Are you looking at porn? How is your relationship with God? Are you spending daily time in the Word? In worship? In prayer?  Are you avoiding situations that you know will tempt you?

These safeguards involve transparency with other people and setting very specific boundaries.

All those are great things and should happen; however, they can and will fail if one condition is met: you no longer value your relationship with Jesus Christ above everything else in the world.

When that happens, deception will follow. People can ask the tough questions all day long, but if being in a right relation with Jesus is not mission critical to you, lying becomes easy. Finding ways around Internet filters is trivial. Gazing lustfully at another woman is as easy as breathing.

All that to say accountability fails when our relationship with Jesus fails.

True accountability has to be between you and Jesus. No one else will be able to be as strong and as supportive as you need them to be.

Dear Jesus,
I pray that I will always be transparent before you. That you will be my first love and that nothing will ever deceive me into thinking I need it more than you.


Falling Short on Making Disciples

Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. […]

You know this verse if you’ve been a Christian for any period of time. Along with Matthew 22:36-40 ,this is probably one of the most significant commands Jesus ever gave us.

Because of its significance, it’s worth marinating on. Are we fulfilling it?

It’s important to note the Great Commission was given to individuals. Not to the church.

Jesus asked us (individually) to go and make disciples.

  1. How many people pursue God more because they’ve seen you passionately pursue God?
  2. How many trust God more because they’ve seen you trust God in all seasons of your life?
  3. How many people are comfortable in prayer/worship outside of church because they’ve done it at your house multiple times before?

If we are not teaching people to walk out the Word of God, we are not making disciples.

Are we failing miserably?

I feel like I am.


Be Wise. Maximize.

One Verse

Ephesians 5:15-16 (NIV)

One Point

We shouldn’t be afraid of failure.  Instead, we should be afraid of being successful at the things that don’t matter.


Have we maximized our time?  Have we taken every opportunity God has given us?  Or have we let our days become consumed with things that don’t matter?

One Application

Application of Ephesians 5:15-16

Illustrated Guides to Fixing Canon E18 Lens Errors

Ask me what I did on my day off?  Spent about six total hours dismantling my sister’s Canon SD400 to troubleshoot why the lens wouldn’t retract.

Apparently this is a common problem.

So after much research, I collected a bunch of illustrated guides from various places on the web and went to town.


Suggestions From My Own Experience

Clean out any dirt/debris from both the lens and gear box.

Unscrew things in sections.  For each section, get a blank piece of paper and diagram where all the screws are.  As you unscrew stuff, place the screw on your diagram in its approximate location.

This will make your life infinitely less complicated as you put your camera back together.  Now you don’t have to worry about which screw and which size screw goes where.

Just be sure you put these diagrams away from your work area.  A small bump will send your screws flying and make your diagram worthless.  ;)

3x5 Index Card with Screw Locations

The Good

I was able to clean out a lot of sand from the inside of the camera (i.e. lens mechanism, gear box).  The lens now retracts and extends.  It used to not do that. I’m awesome!

The Bad

Some of the gears controlling the movement of the lens are stripped.  That prevents the lens from extending/retracting smoothly and without a lot of grinding sounds.

The Ugly

The camera is un-fixable.  I now have a slick-looking paper weight.

Moral of the Story

My sister should give up being an agronomy major. Then she would be far less excited to take her camera into a soil pit.

My Sister and the Soil Pit
My Sister and the Soil Pit


Pushing or Pulling from God?

I find myself praying a lot lately.  Praying on the beach, in small group.  Over the phone with friends and in my own quiet times with Jesus.

But I’m laying here in bed asking myself when was the last time I just chilled with Jesus?

I’ve been praying for a lot people.  It’s been awesome.  The fact that I find myself praying so much for people is an answer to prayer.  But all this praying has been a “push” relationship with Jesus.  I’m pushing things his way and find myself not “pulling” much.

There’s just something about chillin’ with Jesus with no agenda.  It’s these times I find myself most at peace with God.  My spirit comes more in line with His Spirit.  My thoughts, His thoughts.  I get to pull from the very source of life.

Alex.  This is your reminder.  You need to chill with Jesus more.