
Boost your church contact form with steroids

I just wanted to throw this out there.  Churches should have ridiculously good customer service.

When people come to you with questions, you have to be knowledgeable, helpful and over-the-top.  When they call, you should pick up the phone instead of having their first point of contact be a bunch of voice prompts. When they email, you need to respond quickly and answer questions completely with a genuine response and not some form letter.

Here’s a thought for a church’s website.

Give web visitors the option of asking a question to a live person online.

You see businesses with this feature all the time.  If you have a sales question, there’s a live sales person available to chat with. This has been extremely helpful to me in the past.

For churches, have an open chat room for people to come and ask for directions, ask about service times or whatever else is not covered by your website.

As a bonus, I bet over the course of a couple months you’ll begin realizing where your website is failing your visitors . . .

Go over to Beanstalk and click on their chat button. Talk to whoever is there and tell him what great customer service they have. Or click on this link to go directly into the chat room.

I just felt the urge to post this.  Pros, cons?  Let me know what you think.

One reply on “Boost your church contact form with steroids”

I like the idea Alex…don’t speak too loudly, or you may be the one charged with sitting in the chat room 24/7… maybe instead of a chat room it could be a second life with avatars? then you could have the moderator be a muscled up hybrid of you/pastor bernie/and pastor chris

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