
The marriage of chaos and peace

I dropped the F-bomb last week.  While spending time with God no less.

It was the culmination of a lot of things.  Feeling the burden of sharing a message with College Life.  Having a wound stay open and unhealed because of obedience to God.  Insecurity.  Doubt.  Realizing you don’t have it all together.

But despite all that, my life has never been better.

I am closer to life in the Garden (Genesis 2:25).  A life where I walk with God in an intimate, personal way.  A sense of being naked, vulnerable and broken yet completely filled by God (Ephesians 3:19).

It is these times of chaos, yet contentment in Jesus that I go to sleep in peace and with a smile on my face.  A smile knowing I am exactly where Jesus wants me to be.  In his arms and confident of His love.

Perhaps we should stop praying for peace in our lives and start praying for peace in our spirit?  A peace that knows the Lord is near (Philippians 4:5b). And having that knowledge produce a peace which transcends all understanding and guards our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7) from an otherwise chaotic world.

A peace not because our external lives are running smoothly, but because our internal lives are.

Connected to Jesus – the very source of life.

The one whose love radiates within us bringing warmth and comfort when it seems so cold outside.

2 replies on “The marriage of chaos and peace”

I know exactly what your talking about. I have experienced this a number of times over the past two years. And just like you said my flesh hates it but my spirit knows there is no better place to be. Keep pushing forward!

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